Quotes and Reflections about Wealth…

I’ve been busy working on a special project…more to be revealed on that soon!  In the meantime I thought I would share a bit of what I’ve been working on…ENJOY!!

“Debt can turn a free, happy person into a bitter human being.”  ~ Michael Mihalik

I was happy before I racked up credit card debt!  Sound familiar?

I remember how I felt earning a paycheck BEFORE having to make monthly credit card payments.  I felt empowered earning my own money.  I felt independent.  I loved watching the balance in my savings account increase over time…it made me feel rich, it made me feel free!

** Debt is your inner bully…what fears come up when you confront your debt? Is your debt masking some truth about yourself that you don’t want others to see?

“We have a moral obligation to use our prosperity at this moment, especially to uplift communities in poverty.” ~Alan Greenspan

When we are in a period of economic growth…housing market is thriving, banks are lending, consumers are spending, people are smiling…there is a feeling of prosperity in the air. 

Prosperity is power…
Prosperity is energy…
Prosperity is contagious!

**To those that experience prosperity in their daily lives, look to those that are impoverished.  Be of service. As you value the gifts in your own life, be generous with your heart, your time, your guidance.  So the destitute can empower themselves to make better choices and come to know prosperity.

“He has achieved success who has worked well, laughed often, and loved much. “  ~ Elbert Hubbard

Success is a relative term…its meaning is subjective.

I’ve heard success defined as ‘doing what you said you would do.’  No more, no less.  It’s that simple.  No matter how big or small your goals may be, so long as you did what you said you would do, you have reason to celebrate!

I have found for myself that every time I have experienced success, I was having fun!  Has it been the same experience for you? Think about it…pull from you memory your last success story.  What thoughts, feelings, and energy contributed to that success? Write it down.  Begin a journal documenting your successes.  Note your thoughts, your feelings, and actions taken. Want more success?  Do the same!!

** Approach success as a FUN process!  Embrace your ideas and your creativity.  No matter how crazy you think your idea may be, write it down.  Then take that same creative energy and ground your idea with action steps.  Keep it simple, keep it orderly, and maintain your enthusiasm! 

“Why do we have to grow up? I know more adults who have the children’s approach to life.  They’re people who don’t give a hang what the Joneses do. You see them at Disneyland every time you go there. They are not afraid to be delighted with the simple pleasures, and they have a degree of contentment with what life has brought—sometimes it isn’t much, either.”

~ Walt Disney

Excitement…magic…fun…that is the essence of a child.

Be in the moment, always, as children do instinctively.

Hold onto these gifts because all too often as we grow into adults we let go of the excitement and magic because we are taught that life is hard, work is hard…and it doesn’t have to be that way.
We always have a choice.

**Be gratitude…Be appreciation…then watch what unfolds before you.

6 thoughts on “Quotes and Reflections about Wealth…

  1. Love It!!!!! Love it!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go my person……I think I see a best seller here! Thank you for sharing and inspiring….xo KK

  2. I’m with Walt Disney- I never want to grow up!!!! Disney World is my favorite vacation.
    In the world according to Mickey…..
    In everything you do…..Celebrate You!
    Move it! Shake it! Celebrate It!
    Celebrate a Dream Come True!!!!!
    Every Dream is Possible!!!!!!!………Celebrate Today!!!!!!
    There is bright big beautiful tomorrow…shining at the end of Everyday!!!!!
    This is actually a song they sing and dance to…..and so did I……
    It is the most “Positive” place we have ever been to!!!!!!!!
    Enjoy your day! Stay positive!!!!

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