{a poem} Flat Forehead and a Smile

I look in the mirror,

What do I see?

To my surprise it’s a frown,

staring back at me.


What’s this? I ask,

How can it be?



Is that really me?


And those lines resting high,

at the top of my face.

They must come with that frown,

defining its meaning,

securing its place.


This reflection of me,

must be incorrect.

My interpretation misleading,

this self-portrait a wreck.


For I recall as a child,

I would dance about.

Never a worry.

Hardly a care.

Most surely without doubt.


Follow your heart,

I was told.

never let your mind wander.

All is good.

You are Love.

Wear a smile.

Keep your wonder.


What I see in my mirror,

need only please me.

I choose happy.

I choose laughter.

What else would I be?


No matter life’s events,

no matter its drama,

all I want to see in my reflection,

is a forehead that is flat,

and a smile of my perfection.


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